District boundary changes. District boundary changes. District boundary changes.

From time to time, Road Board/ Shire Council boundaries change. In 1959 a few such changes occurred between the Nyabing-Pingrup and Gnowangerup Road Board districts. These changes were enacted and recorded in the Government Gazette No. 89 of Friday 20 November 1959.

District boundary changes

Road Districts Act, 1919.
Gnowangerup and Nyabing-Pingrup Road Districts.
Severance and Annexation of Land.
L.G. 322/52.
HIS Excellency the Governor, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, under the provisions of the Road Districts Act, 1919, doth hereby sever from the Gnowangerup Road District and annex to the Nyabing-Pingrup Road District the land described in Schedule “A” hereto; sever from the Nyabing-Pingrup Road District and annex to the Gnowangerup Road District the land described in Schedule “B” hereto.
(Sgd.) R. H. DOIG,
Clerk of the Council.

Schedule “A.”
Transfer of Territory from Gnowangerup Road District to Nyabing-Pingrup Road District. All that portion of land bounded by lines starting at the intersection of the western boundary of Kent Location 1437 and the present road district common boundary and extending easterly along that boundary to the eastern boundary of location 1434; thence southerly and westerly along boundaries of that location and onwards to the eastern boundary of location 1435; thence southerly and westerly along boundaries of that location and onwards westerly along southern boundaries of locations 1436 and 1437 aforesaid, to the south-western corner of the last mentioned location and thence northerly along the western boundary of that location to the starting point,

Schedule “B.”
Transfer of Territory from Nyabing-Pingrup Road District to Gnowangerup Road District.
(a All that portion of land bounded by lines starting at the intersection of the present road district common boundary and the easternmost western boundary of Kent Location 1379 and extending northerly and easterly along boundaries of that location and onwards easterly along the northern boundary of location 1386 to its north-eastern corner; thence southerly along the eastern boundary of that location to its intersection with the present district common boundary aforesaid, and thence westerly along that boundary to the starting point.
(b) All that portion of land bounded by lines starting at the north-western corner of Kent Location 1377 and extending easterly along the northern boundary of that location and onwards to the eastern side of an unsurveyed three-chain road, passing along the eastern boundary of that location; thence southerly along that side to its intersection with the present road district common boundary; thence westerly along that boundary to the western boundary of location 1377 aforesaid, and thence northerly along that boundary to the starting point. (Public Plans 418/80 and 419/80.)

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