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The family information on these pages was sourced from “Centenary of Nyabing” edited by the Nyabing Historical Society. Information was submitted by the families to celebrate 100 years of Nyabing (Nampup). The book contains information on the people, places and events over those years who have made Nyabing what it is today.
Much of the information was provided by the people of Nyabing and some was a result of research by the organising group and from the historical archives of the Nyabing Historical Society. Copies of the book are still available from the Historical Society in Nyabing.
Please Note:
This page is a “work in progress”.
Additional families are being added constantly so please come back regularly to check if your family name is not already on here. Most of the information on these pages has been taken from the Nyabing Centenary book.
If you have any later family information or old photographs please email
Or click below
Our Pioneering Families …
And those who continue to arrive

They arrived with virtually nothing and lived off the land to create a new life. They worked hard to build their farms and their communities out of the wilderness. Nyabing and its surrounding districts opened up not long after Katanning and, with the opening of the Katanning-Nampup railway, quickly expanded. There were many pioneers who settled here forging farms from virgin bush, building small communities, setting up schools for their children, and setting the foundations for what is now the Shire of Kent.
Do you have historical photographs and information to share about Nyabing’s past?
Please feel free to join Mark Trouchet and send them in via Facebook, the form below or email
From: Mark Trouchet

Charlie and Jane Mitchell on their Nyabing farm in 1930 with there one and only car they ever owned , a c.1927 Rugby Tourer. They are about to take their two granddaughters (May and Doris Hemingway) for a ride.

Reg Mitchell poses with his new car in 1926/27. Note, the Nyabing School in the background.
To help celebrate Nyabing’s centenary, the Nyabing Historical Society produced an excellent hard-cover book with the stories of the people who lived in Nyabing over that first 100 years. It also included stories on groups, events, businesses, and much more. Much of the information on these pages comes from that book.
There is also local historical information researched
by Arthur Todd from Lost Katanning.
You are invited to add to these stories or to
provide information about your time in Nyabing HERE.
Our history is important so we need to record ALL our stories for future generations. The Nyabing Centenary book was a good start, but now we need to record the continuing stories over the past twenty years or so. New family members, new community members, events and more.
Is your family missing from these pages?
Then we would love to hear from you!
Simply provide your family history below and we’ll add it to these pages. Include things like your family name, where you lived, other family members, memories and anecdotes… and family photographs.
You can submit it all on the form below
or email