SMITH Grantley Heather. SMITH Grantley Heather.
1974 – Current
Written by Heather Smith
We came to Nyabing in 1974 with our daughter Rachel who was nearly one. By 1978, Mark and Fiona had also arrived. I was born in Nyabing so I was coming back home, albeit to a different farm!

1925 Mr Jurys T-Model Ford and Nyabing Kids
We, along with Grantley’s parents Glen and Mary, and his Uncle (John Smith) purchased Manna Park off brothers Arnold and Fred Larter. In 1977, we bought the farm Tarworrie from Don and Jan Batt. Jan (nee Hudson) used to teach me in primary school. In 1988 we bought Eddie Johnston’s farm “Terang”. In 2007 we sold the “Tarworrie” farm to our nephews, Duane and Michael Jury.

Athol Jury – 1939
The Jury’s originated from Kent, England. The Jury name has long been associated with Nyabing. It began in 1914 when my grandfather, Roy Melville Jury left South Australia for Nyabing, to make a home for his new bride, Florence Ruby Montgomery. They had seven children; Derek, Athol, Allen, Jean, Merle, Ronda and Stan. Their new home was “The Crescent” (Where Barry Mills now lives). Roy was a member of the Kent Roads Board for many years while Florence did her community Service by joining the CWA as a Committee Member.

Treacle Bun Competition 1923 Derrick Jury
Stan and Eve Jury farmed here until moving into town. This farm later belonged to Mike and Janet Darwood, and then came back to the family when the Mills family purchased it. The Mill’s grandfather and my grandfather were cousins who came to the west together.
My Parents were Athol and Jessie Jury who farmed the “Tobruk” property, five km’s east of Nyabing. They had eight children: Norman, Roy, Ian, Jessie, Lloyd, Beverley, Heather (me) and Peter. Athol’s war service time in Tobruk saw his health fail at times, and so his doctor informed him he needed to retire from farming at the age of 45. Athol and Jessie retired to Bremer Bay.
Most of the family went to school in Nyabing. Some travelled to Gnowangerup for cooking classes with the school bus driver at the time, sampling the goods on the way home. Norman and Roy took over the Tobruk farm when Athol and Jessie retired. Today, Norman’s two sons, Duane and Michael run Tobruk together.

Outside Tobruk Homestead

RM & F R Jury Nyabing Farm

Roy, far back. Middle: Lloyd, Jessie, Norman, Beverlley, Heather. Front: Ian, Athol, Peter on Jessies’ knee c1960

Living children of Athol & Jessie
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